Yunnan Pu-erh Leaf Tea

Image of Yunnan Pu-erh Leaf Tea


Some say that Yunnam Province, in the extreme SW tip of China, is the original birthplace of tea.
This is a rich, fertile and often inaccessible region. Deep in Yunnan's mountainous rural heart lies the market village of Pu-erh, where these extraordinary aged teas were first traded.
Technically a type of green tea, Pu-erh yields an almost red liquor with a distinctive, rich, mellow, sweet flavour and a delicious aroma reminiscent of stables.
To brew put one tsp of tea per person or add direct to a cup. Add boiled water that has been allowed to cool for a minute. Brew for 30 seconds and serve without milk.
The leaves can be re-used 6-8 times.
Alternatively you can treat Pu-erh like a strong blend tea and brew for 5 mins or more. This would be strongly disapproved of in China, although produces a stronger brew some Westerners prefer!